WiesenKönigReich Zell am See
Moisture wetland meadows provide shelter for numerous species of grasshoppers and locusts. We count 8 species of grasshoppers in the nature sanctuary of Zeller See south shore and Brucker Zeller Moos.
Locusts are highly threatened by the intensification of agriculture. For their survival it is necessary to reduce fertilization and mow later in the year, leaving at least some parts of the pasture at all. Egg masses and larvae of insects are very sensitive – another reason not to run in the meadows. The small larvae can hardly jump away and eggs are unwittingly trampled.
Water-meadow Grasshopper and Large Marsh-Grasshopper are typical of this wet biotope. We also find Roesel’s Bush-Cricket, Slender Grouse Locust, Grasshopper Ch. dorsatus and Common Green Grasshopper. The Upland-green Grasshopper Tettigonia cantans is frequent in Salzburg. It requires well-structured habitats with viable plant stalks. The wart-biter Cricket Decticus verrucivorus prefers extensive hay meadows and reaches high densities in the meager meadows in Thumersbach. Its loud singing is apparent as well as its strong mouthparts with which it can capture other insects.
German name | Scientific name | English name | Red list Austria | Red list Salzburg |
Wiesengrashüpfer | Chorthippus dorsatus | Grasshopper | NT | |
Sumpfgrashüpfer | Chorthippus montanus | Water-meadow Grasshopper | NT | NT |
Warzenbeißer | Decticus verrucivorus | Wart-biter Cricket | NT | VU |
Roesels Beißschrecke | Metrioptera roeselii | Roesel‘s Bush-Cricket | LC | |
Bunter Grashüpfer | Omocestus viridulus | Common Green Grasshopper | LC | |
Sumpfschrecke | Stetophyma grossum | Large Marsh-Grasshopper | VU | VU |
Säbeldornschrecke | Tetrix subulata | Slender Grouse Locust | LC | |
Zwitscherschrecke | Tettigonia cantans | Upland-green Grasshopper | LC | |
Zwitscherschrecke | Tettigonia cantans | Upland-green Grasshopper | LC |
IUCN Red List Criteria Version 3.1, Second edition 2012:
- CR Critically Endangered, a taxon is condidered tob e facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
- EN Endangered, very high risk of extinction in the wild
- VU Vulnerable, high risk of extinction in the wild
- NT Near Threatened, a taxon is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future
- LC Least Concern, widespread and abundant taxon