Information about the Protection area South Shore of Lake Zeller See - Nature Trail „WiesenKönigReich – Wetlands of the Zeller See“
Publisher and owner:
Stadtgemeinde Zell am See
Brucker Bundesstr. 2, 5700 Zell am See, Österreich
Tel +43 6542 766 80
Fax +43 6542 766 86
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naturwerk OG
Franz-Josef-Str. 19
5020 Salzburg
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levelseven e.U.
Franz-Josef-Straße 3/3, 5020 Salzburg · Austria
Maps and Corporate Design
Franz-Josef-Straße 3, 5020 Salzburg · Austria
© by Thomas Herrmann, Rainer Hochhold, Inge Illich, Stepan Koval, Rudi Lengauer, Robert Lindner, Barbara Loidl, Christine Nöbauer, Oliver Stöhr, Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, SAGIS, Fotoagentur, Burkhard Biel/, Christian Fischer, Heinz Gigglberger/Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft
Further copyrights of photos, images and logos are to the communities, municipalities and institutions shown. We are thankful for permission granted!
Salzburg, May 2015
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